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About Us

CONCORD TRUST is a not-for-profit making organization and involves in social development activities.  CONCORD TRUST was formed on 26th March 2004 by committed social workers to bring about a dawn in lives of socially excluded rural and tribal communities.


The Goal of CONCORD TRUST is ‘oppressed people taking charge of their lives through combined efforts’.


Empowerment of oppressed people like Women, Children, Farmers, Agricultural Labourers, Scheduled Caste and Tribes etc. by creating skills among the oppressed people in order to form their own people’s organisations at micro to macro levels to achieve the goal.


The mission CONCORD TRUST is sensitizing Women, Children, Adolescents, Youth, Farmers, Labourers, Scheduled Caste and Tribes, and other Vulnerable Groups on Socio – Economic and Cultural issues and problems.  Skilling the marginalised through Trainings, Seminars, Camps, Advocacy, Lobby and Campaigns to address the issues and problems.

  • To work for Social, Educational, Economic and Cultural development of the Deprived, Oppressed, Marginalised, Disadvantaged and Weaker Sections of the Society irrespective of Caste, Community, Religion, Region, Race, Ethnicity and Gender.
  • To extend charitable development services for the Physically Challenged, Socially Infirm, Women, Children, Adolescents, Youth and Old age people in the rural and tribal area.
  • To plan and implement the programmes on socio-economic development for rural and tribal poor specifically Women, Children, Farmers, Landless Labourers, Adolescents, Youth and Old age persons and to uplift them from backwardness and to implement income generating activities.
  • To plan and implement community participated development programmes such as Low-cost housing, Link-road formation, Water and Sanitation etc.
  • To plan and implement community participated development programmes such as Wasteland Development, Sustainable Agriculture, Water Harvesting, Afforestation, Environmental Regeneration, Animal Welfare, Bio-diversity Conservation, and Natural Resources Conservation and Management and other Rural Development activities.
  • To promote medicinal plant based indigenous Health Care, Plant based food system, Herbal Gardens, Kitchen Gardens, Nursery Raising and Plantation.
  • To create awareness on Food Security and Social Security etc. through field intervention activities.
  • To create awareness on Community Health, Personnel Hygiene, Environmental Sanitation, Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases, Safe Motherhood, Child Care, Adolescent Health, Reproductive Health, Nutrition etc. through field intervention activities.
  • To create awareness on Cancer Control, Leprosy Control, Prevention of Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control and other infectious and contagious diseases and to implement eradication measures through field intervention activities.
  • To start Formal, Non-formal, Informal, Vocational and Technical Educational Institutions, Social Development Institutes, Community Health Care Centres, Hospitals, Counselling and Legal Aid Centres, De-addiction Centres, Libraries, Documentation and Resource Centres, Hostels, Rehabilitation Homes for weaker sections of the society to attain the status of socio-economic development.
  • To popularize Non-Conventional Energy system and to promote Solar Energy utilization among rural and tribal people and involve the rural / tribal community in conservation and utilization local resources and eco- friendly income generation activities.
  • To adopt Model Villages, Promote Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming and to implement innovative action-oriented research projects on Agriculture, Environment, Ecology, Bio-technology, Bio-diversity, Health Care and Animal Welfare.
  • To extend and involve in any other welfare and development services for the development and empowerment of the Deprived, Oppressed, Marginalised and Socially backward communities in rural / tribal areas specifically Women, Children, Farmers, Labourers, Adolescents, Youth and Old age persons and most backward regions and implement the programmes by the Trust separately or jointly with other Civil Society Organisations or Government or Government Sponsored agencies or Donors.